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Quiz: What’s missing from your service game?

Service Game
Article Highlights:

  • Take this quiz to determine your service challenges.
  • Three ways to combat those challenges.

Service is a profit centre, that’s old news. But where are you missing potential profit in service? Take the quiz below to see where your team is striking out.

  1. What has the most potential for sales?
    1. Closing more upsell opportunities.
    2. Creating new efficiencies.
    3. Streamlining parts ordering.
  2. Which scenario do you dread the most?
    1. Running a mass marketing campaign for an oil change.
    2. Finding out your dealership has a mediocre hours per RO average.
    3. Ordering special order parts.
  3. What is the biggest opportunity for your service department?
    1. Managing customer relationships.
    2. Reducing wasted time.
    3. Eliminating unnecessary spending.
  4. What does your service department really excel at?
    1. Efficient time management.
    2. Working well with the parts department.
    3. Providing great customer experiences.
  5. What do you think customers say about your service department?
    1. You are knowledgeable and friendly.
    2. You always have what they need.
    3. You are efficient and quick.

If you answered mostly 1’s: You’re losing money because customers aren’t buying recommended services or, even worse, your staff isn’t recommending services at all. To bring in more money, you need a system that ensures all opportunities are captured and followed up on.

If you answered mostly 2’s: Idle hands make fretful minds. The challenge you’re facing is wasted time. It seems like every time you walk through service, the bays are loaded with cars but the techs are visiting parts or talking to advisors. Advisors can’t sell because techs are taking up their time. Keep techs in bays with tools that allow you to electronically communicate. With the click of a button, parts will know what service needs. Beats having your techs hit their 10,000 steps before 10 a.m.

If you answered mostly 3’s: Waste not, want not. You’re tying up money on unclaimed special order parts. Once they arrive, you have to check them in and contact the customer. If not done quickly, the customer may go elsewhere, leaving you with the part that you might be able to return, but you might not. Use an automated process to alert customers immediately the part is in stock once it’s been receipted.

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Reynolds Consulting Services

Alex has produced tremendous results in his 10 years as Sales Manager, Finance Manager, and General Manager. He brought his skills to the Reynolds Consulting group in 2012. He is qualified to consult on CRM process improvements and Retail Sales Operations.

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