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Parts and Service

Tips and best practices for those working in fixed operations.

If you’re not currently using a customer relationship management (CRM) tool in your service department, you’re probably wondering if it’s worth having. I present the

When a customer schedules a service appointment, the process doesn’t simply end at the confirmation email. They then start thinking about how they’re going to

Technicians are hard to find, and once you do, most aren’t satisfied with their jobs. While many dealerships are trying to find technicians to hire,

I am a self-proclaimed late adopter. I was late to the game on every “cool” cell phone back in the day – the razor, the

With spring around the corner, it’s the perfect time to wipe the slate clean for your dealership. While spring cleaning may typically bring to mind

It was a brisk Sunday evening. You were gathered around the big screen in the living room, ready for the championship game. Your family was

With today’s ever-changing industry, meeting customer expectations and providing a mobile-friendly service experience is more important than ever. One way to meet these demands is

pocket watch

Starting the new year in a good place begins by evaluating current utilization, performance, and profitability. Once you understand your current position, you can move

Car shop

Mobility means more than just doing something on your phone. In your fixed operations department, it means success.

Racing F1 car

In the high-speed world of Formula One (F1) racing, every second counts. Races are often won or lost in the pit, where crew teams work