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3 Ways to Help Service Advisors Save the Day

Article Highlights:

  • 3 resources your advisors should have.
  • Empowering advisors means protecting your profits.

With vehicle sales expected to dip in 2019 as well as the next few years, it’s past time for dealers to start identifying and building up alternate profit centres in the dealership.

We all know the service department can be a complex and chaotic environment. Technicians and advisors always seem to be stretched thin, potential upsell opportunities are missed due to time crunches, and unexpected headaches arise from duplicate data entry, just to name a few recurring issues.

However, where there’s dysfunction, there’s also room for improvement. In your service department, improvement translates to capitalizing on revenue opportunities already in your bays, operating more efficiently, and ultimately, being more profitable.

How do you make this a reality? Empower your advisors to save the day.

How to Empower Your Advisors

All too often, the status quo for dealership service advisors looks like this: juggling the concerns of customers who’ve been waiting too long on their vehicle, dealing with a high volume of vehicles in the service drive, and trying to put out a half-dozen other fires that may or may not have anything to do with their actual job role (or with dealership profitability, for that matter).

In a position that’s being pulled in so many directions, it’s no wonder your advisors find it difficult to stick to a repeatable process that ensures upsell opportunities are presented, customers receive to-the-penny quotes, and the customer experience is top priority.

But, that’s exactly what’s necessary if you’re going to maximize your service department’s profitability.

Here are three things your advisors need to go from constantly overwhelmed to saving the day in service:

  1. Real-time alerts let the advisor know how an RO is moving through the process, spurring them into action and helping customers get in and out the door faster.
  2. A forced upsell process every time to help advisors exceed customer expectations. This process should also allow technicians to load your advisors’ lips to increase their credibility and maximize sales.
  3. A pricing solution that includes prices for all components, including parts, labour, taxes, and gas oil and grease. This eliminates misquoting and heavy discounting to improve the customer experience and retain higher profits.

Your advisors need the right processes and technology to better capitalize on the revenue opportunities coming through your service drive, increase sales performance while cutting out unnecessary waste and cost, and take care of your customers.

If your advisors feel like they are the person in distress rather than the superhero in your store, then today’s the day to take action and empower your service advisors. Visit www.reyrey.ca/advanced-service to learn how you can get started!

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Product Planning, Reynolds and Reynolds

Jeff Adams is a Product Planning manager for Service applications at Reynolds and Reynolds.

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