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Connected Podcast: Your May 2020 Recap

Connected Podcast
Article Highlights:

  • Dealer resiliency, positive momentum, communication strategies, and more!
  • Subscribe to stay up-to-date with best practices for your dealership.

Dealer sentiment, preparing for pent-up demand, community outreach, and the best methods of communication — we’re bringing you the best of May’s Connected podcast episodes.


Episode 26: Assessing Dealer Sentiment

On this episode, we talk with Lance Alverson, sales vice president at Reynolds and Reynolds, about:

  • Dealer resiliency.
  • Strategies to meet the market’s need for a social distance-friendly car buying experience.
  • Increased vehicle demand driven by financing offers.

To watch episode 26, click here.


Episode 27: Positive Momentum for Dealership Groups and OEMs

On this episode, we discuss how dealership groups and OEMs are preparing to address pent-up demand as provinces begin to re-open. Rudy Nieto, enterprise and OEM sales vice president at Reynolds and Reynolds, puts a spotlight on:

  • The industry’s response to a “new normal” in car buying.
  • Maximizing every profit opportunity.
  • Adopting a leader mentality.

To watch episode 27, click here.


Episode 28: Community Outreach During Crisis

On this episode, Alice Elliott, administrator for the Reynolds Associate Foundation, talks about community outreach during the COVID-19 crisis and how dealerships can make an impact on their communities. She discusses:

  • Tactics to best serve struggling communities.
  • Service examples and opportunities.
  • Reynolds and Reynolds’ efforts in our own community.

To watch episode 28, click here.


Episode 29: What’s the Best Method of Communication for Your Customers?

On this episode, we reveal strategies to use when reaching out to customers during this time. Matthew Clark, manager of consulting services at Reynolds and Reynolds, shares information on:

  • Why certain emails end up in spam.
  • At what point during the sales process you should ask what someone’s preferred method of communication is.
  • When it’s better to make a phone call vs. send a text.

To watch episode 29, click here.


Tune in every Wednesday to hear from industry experts and stay up-to-date with best practices for your dealership! You can also subscribe to the Connected YouTube channel.

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