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Quiz: How Mobile is Your Fixed Ops Department?

Car shop
Article Highlights:

  • Mobility not only improves employee efficiency, but streamlines processes.
  • There's always opportunity to add mobility in your dealership.

In today’s world, mobility means more than just being able to do something on your phone. It means using mobile devices to add flexibility, increase transparency, and speed up communication between people and businesses.

In your fixed operations department, mobility is the key to success. In fact, if you have the ability to communicate via text with consumers, they are 134% more likely to respond to a text over an email. Texting your customers pictures of recommended repairs could mean more successful upsell opportunities, or closing an RO out faster because you can text them a link to pay online. When you start adding mobility to your processes, you can increase employee efficiency by eliminating manual steps that waste time.

How mobile is your service department operating today? Complete this quiz to see your mobility score and what that could mean for your business.

Can your customers schedule an appointment online or on their phone?
Can your advisors complete a digital walk-around inspection?
Can your technicians send photos and videos of the repair to a customer's phone to help explain the work needed to be done?
Are your techs and advisors able to communicate with each other with notifications and alerts to their phones?
Can your advisors share recommended work with customers online or with their phone?
Can your customers approve recommended work online or with their phone?
Can you send customers a link, connected to your DMS, that allows them to pay for the work on their phone?
Can you email a link to customers where they can access all their digital service documents in a convenient online portal?
Are your advisors able to send automated follow-up to customers on previously declined services?

Mobility improves employee efficiency, streamlines operations, and gives you additional chances at profit opportunities. Ready to go mobile? Learn more about how you can make your service operations more efficient.

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Product Planning, Reynolds and Reynolds

Jeff Adams is a Product Planning manager for Service applications at Reynolds and Reynolds.

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