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Every year, the NADA conference is an event I circle on my calendar. There’s no better time to talk shop, connect with other professionals, and

When I was ready to purchase my first vehicle, I was full of excitement. I thought nothing could bring me down and the only challenge

Dealerships have consistently shown resilience, overcoming obstacles and embracing change with every passing year. 2024 has been no different, as new trends and challenges have

New Year, New Dealership Goals

Year after year, we set personal goals and make plans to better ourselves in the upcoming year. But what about business goals? They are just

Drive Efficiency

You know the old familiar saying, you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink. The same goes with the tools

Best Time of Year

The end of the year for most people involves spending time with family and gift-giving. But for those working in the office, it means something

Enhanced DOC

At the start of a typical day, you drive up to the dealership, walk to your office, and start sifting through information.  You have a

Experience Wasn't Memorable

Purchasing experiences differ consumer to consumer. I recently spoke to a first-time car buyer about her experience at a local dealership. While her experience wasn’t

Losing Service Business to Local Garages

Local garages are becoming more and more popular in all areas. With big franchise garages and independent repair shops popping up in every city, every dealership

Dealership Stickiness

We’ve all heard the phrase website stickiness, but relatively few people have considered the concept of dealership stickiness. What I mean by this is providing