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Imagine you’re navigating a winding road, guiding your dealership toward success. Along the journey, you encounter a few bumps – discrepancies in payments and information

Get the most out of your Reynolds investment. Do you want to learn how to use your system more efficiently? Reynolds Software Education has training

NADA is always a busy, boisterous event – multiply it by 10 when you’re in Vegas. As I walked around the show talking with dealers,

One of the harder tasks executives and managers sometimes face is trying to gather performance comparison data for multiple time periods, departments, or stores. What

Limited availability of new vehicle inventory has caused a boom in the used vehicle market, making now the perfect time to invest in the efficiency

With the NFL season underway, fantasy football is in full swing. Managers have just finished their drafts and are now reviewing their lineups deciding who

For most of our industry’s history, being close to your customers was key to being convenient. But in recent years, buyers traveling hundreds of kilometres to

This article was written by Ellen Ezernack, a Software Education Representative. Did you know you can receive alerts for important events such as when a

Due to supply constraints and high demand, we’ve seen vehicle prices skyrocket over the last two years. And now we are also seeing other segments

It should go without saying that one of dealers’ top goals for their business is sustainable, long-term profitability. While the day-to-day rush of dealership operations

I wrote about upcoming car buying trends just shy of one year ago. Since then, those trends are still front and centre. In fact, new

I often tell people, “our world will not be the same in two years as it is today.” And that is abundantly clear in our

How healthy is your heart? Not your physical one; but the heart of your dealership – the accounting office? You might not know the answer,