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Every year, the NADA conference is an event I circle on my calendar. There’s no better time to talk shop, connect with other professionals, and

When I was ready to purchase my first vehicle, I was full of excitement. I thought nothing could bring me down and the only challenge

Dealerships have consistently shown resilience, overcoming obstacles and embracing change with every passing year. 2024 has been no different, as new trends and challenges have

Teach Sales

This month, I want to look at the training you provide your call takers. Whether your inbound sales calls are routed to a BDC or

Dealership Service Business

Here’s a question: if you found an advertising strategy that would instantly double the traffic in your service drive, would you do it? Your initial

Featured Sessions of the Month

Keyboard shortcuts can do wonders for your everyday tasks. Below are the most common shortcuts you can use to speed up your work in ERA-IGNITE.

Gen Y Sales in Dealerships

We’ve all heard the stories about Generation Y and how different they are from the generations before them. They don’t like talking face to face,

Mistakes in Dealerships

A customer comes to your dealership, looks at a car, appears interested, leaves, and never comes back. What happened? In my experience, when prospects disappear

Checque Fraud Protection for Dealerships

Just one fraudulent cheque can cost you a large amount of money. Here are three tips to help you avoid being a victim of cheque

Phrases to avoid when talking to automotive dealership customers

It pays to know what not to say when you’re having a conversation with a customer. Here are three phrases that can backfire when talking