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Winter has melted away, and we are moving on to the next season. Spring means warmer weather, flowers blooming, and the start of baseball season.

Get the most out of your Reynolds investment. Do you want to learn how to use your system more efficiently? Reynolds Software Education has training

I am a self-proclaimed late adopter. I was late to the game on every “cool” cell phone back in the day – the razor, the

Millennial Car Buyers

The day when millennials are the number one customer in the car-buying market is fast approaching. What draws this generation’s attention? The answer may be

Manage Profits

Have you ever spent half a day drowning in Excel spreadsheets, trying to use your information to get results? Data should work with you, not

Service Drive

This is the second article in a three part series to help you determine whether your dealership is as efficient and streamlined as possible when it comes

Customer shaking hands with the salesperson

In today’s fast-paced world, consumers want quick buying experiences that give them exactly what they need. But a fast car buying experience does not always equate

Drowning in Paper

An F&I manager once shared with me a work-stress nightmare he’d had. Trapped in his office in a steadily rising sea of paper, he was

Disaster Plan

Nature can bring expected and unexpected disasters. Dealerships need to have a plan in place to help them recover if Mother Nature attacks. In Canada,

Open ROs Report

You have hundreds, maybe even thousands, of repair orders (ROs) moving through the service department each month. It’s possible some have slipped through the cracks

Service Game

Service is a profit centre, that’s old news. But where are you missing potential profit in service? Take the quiz below to see where your

Handle Calls Professionally

A study done by Forrester Consulting found that inbound phone calls make up over 25% of all sales. These phone customers are buying faster, spending more, and

Atmosphere Keeps Them Coming Back

In my first two articles about dealership stickiness, we explored how dealerships can deliver a five-star customer experience by providing a great first impression and superior customer service.