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Imagine you’re navigating a winding road, guiding your dealership toward success. Along the journey, you encounter a few bumps – discrepancies in payments and information

Get the most out of your Reynolds investment. Do you want to learn how to use your system more efficiently? Reynolds Software Education has training

NADA is always a busy, boisterous event – multiply it by 10 when you’re in Vegas. As I walked around the show talking with dealers,

Santa Claus has the most responsibility on Christmas – traveling around the entire world, delivering presents, and making sure everyone has a happy holiday. All

We encounter barcode scanning almost daily in our lives. We see it at the grocery store, gas station, airport, and when we scan our phones at

Digital: the biggest trend in automotive retail. Everywhere you look, the conversation revolves around moving toward a digital process, connecting each area of the dealership.

With vehicle sales expected to dip in 2019 as well as the next few years, it’s past time for dealers to start identifying and building up alternate

Bridging the Gap

There’s a communication breakdown that’s been plaguing dealerships for years between the sales floor and the service department. When I say communication breakdown, what I’m

Haunted House

When a haunted house is extra scary, you remember that experience for a long time. When your customers’ experience in your dealership is extra scary,

Customers in a vehicle

We all know shoppers seek transparent, hassle-free experiences with faster transaction times. Why do you think so many people shop online and even subscribe to

Service marketing

Most dealers know the service department, with its steady flow of jobs and reliable revenue streams, serves as the financial backbone of the dealership. Vehicle

Most invoices need to be recorded in the General Purchases journal. However, the stacks of invoices that make their way to the accounting department can

Change in the retail sales environment is fast and formidable. The margins dealerships see in new car sales are slim and continue to shrink. The